Welcome back to the Final Part of Connie's Ray of Hope. The Crochet-Along that brings awareness to cancer and was inspired by Connie Johnson. How did you find Part 2? Have you made it before? (Time stamps for each round are mentioned below)
I would love to see what you have made! So please use the following hashtags on social media platforms. #conniesrayofhope #fcancer #loveyoursister #kickcancersbutt #cancersucks #theloopystitch OR you can email them to theloopystitches@gmail.com.
Grab your Part 2, hook and yarn and let's finish this CAL! xo
Head to my blog https://theloopystitch.com and download the FREE crochet-along pattern. You'll only need Part 3 for this video.
#crochet #crochettutorial #crochetstitch #conniesrayofhope
Materials used in the video:
Yarn: Stylecraft Special DK
Colours: Citron (1263), Saffron (1081), Magenta (1084), Bluebell (1082), Turquoise (1068), and Aspen (1422)
Hook: Clover Amour 4mm
Yarn needle
Galvanised Metal Ring (400mm)
Background music 'Upbeat Party' by Scott Holmes https://scottholmesmusic.com/
Find FREE patterns and more on my blog at https://theloopystitch.com/
Follow me on:
Instagram @theloopystitch https://www.instagram.com/theloopystitch
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theloopystitchcrochetdesigns
Time Stamps:
Round 19 - 3:17
Round 20 - 10:46
Round 21 - 21:48
Round 22 - 27:39
Round 23 - 31:30