Kat Adriayes: Crochet Mini Dress Keychain | DIY Souvenir | Crochet Pattern Hello my crafter friends, In this video I'm going to show you how to crochet this super cute mini dress keychain step by step with subtitle. It can be used for souvenir, party favors or even your personal collection. Feel free to comment down below if you have any question/s or suggestion/s. Please SUBSCRIBE, Thumbs up & Share. Happy Crocheting! :) Keep Safe Everyone! CONNECT WITH US: https://www.facebook.com/katadriayes https://www.instagram.com/adriayeskat/ MATERIAL I USED: Crochet Hook: 2mm Yarn: 3ply 100% Acrylic Beads or pearl and Scissors #crochetminidress #crochetkeychain #crochetminidresskeychain #crochettutorial #diy #crochetpartyfavor #crochetsouvenir