► Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/KathrineKwaBakingTutorial/?epa=SEARCH_BOX ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katherinekwa/ ► Support my recipe book :https://kathrinekwa.com/ ► Simple Sweet Tooth: http://edu.bigpropel.co/ebook-offer/ Filling (馅料): 350g chives (韭菜) 300g chicken meat, minced (鸡肉,切碎) 2 pcs bean curd, fried and diced (2块豆腐干,炸香,切丁) 50g dried shrimp, soaked and chopped (50克虾米,浸软,剁碎) 1 tbsp chopped garlic (蒜茸) 2 tbsp cooking oil (2汤匙油) Seasoning (调味料): 1 tsp salt (盐) 1 tsp chicken stock granules (鸡晶) 1/2 tsp pepper (胡椒料) 2 tbsp water (水) Ingredients for skin (皮料): 150g (1 1/4 cups) wheat starch /tang mien fun(澄面粉) 60g (1/2cup) tapioca starch (木薯粉) 60g (1/2 cup) glutinous rice flour (糯米粉) 330ml boiled water (滚水) 1/2 tsp salt (盐) 3 tbsp oil (油) Fried shallots oil for glazing 适量炸葱油,抹皮用 Crystal Dumplings/Chai Kuih 菜粿/水晶粿 https://youtu.be/iPj-SUfLOfE Taro Dumplings 咸香芋粿 https://youtu.be/NGDlSXZF1lM