#130 This is a small video series I started to work on dedicated to measuring and fine-tuning crystal oscillators. First thing to check and correct is of course is the oscillator frequency - no point in having a precise crystal if its not used to its full potential. I look over how this can be done and show various ways of measuring this parameter without interfering with the oscillator operation.
More videos on crystal oscillators:
LTspice Crystal modeling: https://youtu.be/MWQCZGXpSSc
Oscillation frequency measurement: https://youtu.be/cygasKvdbP8
Drive level measurement: https://youtu.be/DQ1Gsfw5nk0
Negative resistance measurement: https://youtu.be/scc17Z8126c
Links and further reading:
Special Thanks to all my supporters on Patreon! Especially @afiskon and Ralf B.!
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