CT, MSCT, Spiral CT, CBCT, Dental CT
Basic understanding of common terminologies in Arabic language
70 minutes lecture covering the topic in different sections separated by break slides if anyone wants to continue later
Section 1: 0 - 13 minutes
Section 2: 13 - 20 minutes
Section 3: 20 - 30 minutes
Section 4: 30 - 49 minutes
Section 5: 49 - 61 minutes
Section 6: 61 - End
Terminologies: multi-planar reformatting MPR axial coronal sagittal oblique corrected modified panorama like reformatted panorama volume rendering 3D CT CBCT CVCT dental CT dentistry dental implants MSCT MDCT computed tomography cone beam pixel voxel matrix coordinates scout Field of view FOV stitching segmentation fusion registeration virtual planing virtual patient windowing window width level digital 2D 3D superimposition optical radiographic illusion gray scale value bone density spatial resolution contrast soft tissue signal to noise ratio SNR metal artifact cupping artefact beam hardening artifacts motion detector array element multislice ring electron gun spiral helical image quality display technology indication contraindication advantages disadvantages generations upgrade slip ring pitch factor overlapping superimposition slices cuts planes tube table gantry basis projection volume algorithm hounsfield unit HU DICOM viewer workstation partial volume average isotropic anisotropic interval linear measurement angular calibration stabilization sievert microsievert fracture endo RCT root canal treatment missed canal ortho orthognathic surgery maxillofacial lesion ALARA justification comparison
أشعة الأسنان ثلاثية الأبعاد
أشعة الفم والوجه والفكين
الأشعة المقطعية مخروطية الشعاع
ثلاثي الأبعاد
كيفية التعامل مع برامج الأشعة