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"**We do want to make clear that one of the primary reasons for missiles being placed in Cuba was retaliation for the United States planting missiles in Turkey to threaten the Soviet Union... This information was omitted from the video mainly because we wanted to focus solely on the Cuban people and Cuban politics and we felt that if we ventured too far into the overall geopolitical situation of the Cold War as a whole we would lose focus with the "Cuban Perspective." Still, it's worth noting that it was not the Soviets who escalated first, but the Americans in the context of missile installations."
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Weapon of Choice by Fabien Tell
Remembrance by Fabien Tell
Last Strike for Glory by Dream Cave
Never Before by Fabien Tell
Into Thin Air by Fabien Tell
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Gilly by Fabien Tell
Cuban Sandwich by Doug Maxwell
A New Chance by Fabien Tell
For Your Heart Only by Fabien Tell