3ヶ月で出っ歯を治す🦷💡【結婚式までにきれいになりたい✨】Cure bucktooth in 3 months🦷I want to be beautiful before my wedding
🦷 Click here for the information page about our phosphoplasty 🦷.
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🦷The White Dental Clinic🦷
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Director's recommendation ♡
🦷Click here for the [Apaguard Linamel] product page 🦷
→ https://amzn.to/3gzWeLC
🦷Here is the toothpaste recommended for people with periodontal disease 🦷[Lion Systema SPT Gel]
📕Table of Contents📕
00:00 Digest
00:23 Before case
00:52 Why did you come to our clinic?
01:13 What is the most important point?
01:52 Are you afraid of surgery?
02:02 What is this surgery about?
04:04 Surgery
04:50 After Surgery
05:30 After
06:24 Aftercare
07:43 Before and 3 days after surgery
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👩Model: Female in her 30s
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