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In Ayurveda Piles is called as ‘Arshas.’ Ayurveda has dealt about Piles in depth and has categorized this particular ailment as per the treatment approach. In initial stage, piles can be completely cured with dietary regulations and medicine. As it gets chronic we have to treat it either with the help of kshara karma or directly haemorroidectomy
The best treatment in practice today is Ksharakarma as it is painless, easy to conduct and is non-recurrent. Here at Ayurshi Ayurveda, we have a team of doctors who are expert in treating Ano rectal disorders like Fissure, Fistula and Pilonidal Sinus.
Contact Details:
Address - Door No.6, Sterling Avenue Main Road, Sakthi Nagar, Porur, Chennai – 600116
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Phone - 9382525255, 9940402410
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