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Ingredients :
Pastry (饼皮):
70g salted butter (有盐牛油)
25g icing sugar (糖粉)
1 tbsp beaten egg(蛋液)
110g plain flour (普通面粉)
10g custard powder (蛋黄粉/吉士粉)
Filling (馅料):
1 whole egg (全蛋) ~ grade A
65g caster sugar (细砂糖)
50ml milk (鲜奶)
50ml thick coconut milk (浓椰浆)
40g custard powder (蛋黄粉/吉士粉)
20g milk powder (奶粉)
25g melted butter (溶化牛油)
2 salted egg yolks (咸蛋黄)
Bake in a preheated oven at 180° for 12 minutes. Remove, glaze surface and return to the oven and bake for another 10 minutes.