Today, this video will go over how to set up a fully custom rank system with persistence, ranking up, ranking down, and a fully custom UI all made with Verse that can be used for a variety of Fortnite Creative maps!
00:00:00 - Intro
00:00:32 - Player Stats Manager
00:08:23 - Rank Manager
00:22:22 - Game Manager
00:28:40 - First Test
00:30:17 - Creating the UI
00:30:52 - Explaining Rank Widget
00:34:04 - Use Rank Images in Verse
00:35:20 - Custom Rank Widget
00:43:45 - UI Manager
00:59:09 - Finishing touches
01:03:27 - Final Result
Link To Code:
Thanks for watching! I hope you enjoy :D