You've just stumbled into trouble: a kitsune! Turns out you've gotten too close to a hidden yokai village and she's duty-bound to kill you for it. Luckily (?) she offers you another option: if you'll let her transform you into a yokai, you can live! Sure the transformation spell is purely experimental, and she's never done it before'll probably be fine! Right?
[F4A] [Fantasy] [Kitsune] [Human/Yokai Interaction] [Offering to be Transformed] [Learning Magic] [Storytelling] [Lore Drops] [Starting a New Life] [Keeping Secrets] [Eventual Romance] [Human / Yokai Tensions] [Transformation] [Kisses] [To Be Continued!]
Performer: Vanilla Velvet Audio
Script by: Unknownentery
SFX: all under public domain/CC0 licenses
Thumbnail Art: made with a P2U DesireeU base
NOTE: This audio rp contains multiple scripts making it several bingeable parts in one roleplay. Time stamps for each part:
0:00 🦊Discovering a Hidden Yokai Village🦊 [Kitsune] [Kidnapping] [Bringing You Home] [Offering to Transform You] [Hugs] [One Kiss] [Cuddling] [Sleeping Together] [Literally sleeping, you guys] [Nature Sounds] [Tail Brushing]
14:33 ✨Your Cute Kitsune Makes You a Yokai ✨ [Willing Listener!] [Transformation] [Magic] [Becoming a Fox Spirit / Kitsune] [Meditation Vibes] [You Get a Tail!]
23:03 🪄 Exploring the Yokai Village With Your Mischievous Kitsune🪄 [Exploration] [Magic Shop] [Learning Magic] [Meeting Other Yokai] [Tengu / Crow Yokai] [Neko / Cat Yokai] [Nature / Night Sounds]
39:15 📖 Yokai Bedtime Stories With Your Kitsune 📖 [Chasing Your Kitsune] [Learning to Fly] [Storytelling] [Legends] [Tail Brushing] [Rain / Thunderstorm] [Crackling Fire] [Sleep Aid] [Soft Spoken] [Eventually Opening Up to You] [Asking for Your Help] [To be continued!]
Stories in This Part:
42:45 - The Human / Yokai Conflict and Tada, the First Human Turned Yokai
48:25 - The Tengu Village Adopts a Human
52:30 - The Story of Sama: The Yokai Huntress Turned Yokai
58:04 - The Story of Tamamo No Mae: Human Turned Kitsune Sorceress
1:02:15 - How Your Kitsune Came to Care About Humans
#asmr #audioroleplay #monstergirl #asmrroleplay #f4a #asmrroleplaying #audio
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Black Velvet Patrons (Producers): 7ARZIVAL, Aaron Guillen, ArmedProfessional, Areyh, Auri, Biskit125, Benard Agyeman, Christina Winter, Cornelius, Daniel Hudson, Dante Rhodes, Hat, Henry Chappell, Ian, Isaac, jose chairez, Joshua Wagener, Julian b, King, Ka'laar, loredo laschuk, Luke, M.A.D., Magos Spank, Martian 720, Martin, nicholas, NitchNet, Nsg Cayde, NTC, PsionicsKnight, Ravi, Revanent, Rollack, Scifs, Schwxn, Sleepy Seb, snes200, Sunset Eclipse, TheSleepingWildlandMan, Tom Mitchell, VanGhoul, Yassretep
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