Hello friend's Welcome To Princy's Authentic Kitchen.I Always Feel That food is an art, had to try new recipes and put together different ingredients and see how it taste, Today’s I'll Be showing How to make Sri lankan Jaffna style கணவாய் பிரட்டல் கறி | Cuttlefish Curry..Thank you for watching my channel Please Friends not only watch please do try these recipes & Leave Your Comments & Share My Videos.. For those who have Subscribe to my channel Thank you.Friends who haven't Subscribed Please Subscribe.
Oil-2 1/2 Tbsp
Fenugreek Seeds-1/2 Tsp
Onion-15 Or 50 Grams (small)
Green Chili-3
Garlic cloves-15 Grams Or 7
Ginger-3 Grams
Cuttlefish-300 Grams
Salt-1 Tsp
Curry Powder-1 1/2 Tbsp
Tamarind extract-1 Tbsp
Water-1/4 Cup Or 60 ML
Thick Coconut Milk-1 1/2 Tbsp
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How To Make LongBeans Curry:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCXOcGTjqD0
How To Make Dodol:https://youtu.be/FXkMh0CZ6I4
How To Make Coconut Chutney: https://youtu.be/0Ee1gg8HVCU
How To Make Clam Chowder?:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfBcZB6p4xc&t=1s
How To Make Spicy Mutton Curry?:https://youtu.be/EjJUKwC1nUQ
How To Make Tasty Crab Curry?:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGbK_4L2gKs&t=5s
# கணவாய்பிரட்டல்கறி #SriLanka #Tasty