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The course *Cyber Security for Programmers* focuses on developing a security mindset and practical skills for dealing with common threats in modern digital environments. It emphasizes the importance of documentation, planning, and the need to focus on institutional capabilities rather than individual skills. The course outlines the significance of having clear, updated procedures for responding to incidents, verifying points of contact, and ensuring accessibility of critical security documentation.
A key concept covered is the importance of building security around the resources available rather than idealistic scenarios. Real-life examples, such as the OVHCloud data center fire and various cyberattacks, highlight the relevance of preparedness and resilience. The course also tackles external and internal threats, including natural disasters, vendor failures, employee misconduct, and governmental scrutiny. Emphasis is placed on layered security, auditing processes, and maintaining disaster recovery systems to ensure service availability after disruptions.
The course also explores operational security, surveillance, API security, encryption, and authentication methods like SSH and MFA. The principles of secure system architecture are discussed, including preventing shadow IT, enforcing permission-based access, and using firewalls and encryption for data protection. Additionally, the class stresses the need for buy-in from executives, managers, and employees to maintain robust cybersecurity protocols, and encourages fostering a strong security culture through education, gamification, and regular security briefings.