Where to stay in Da Nang, Vietnam here are 5 highly rated Hotels with rooftop pools and breakfast.
Which one would you stay in?
Book them right here:
1. https://agoda.tp.st/jnJ5WOhB
2. https://agoda.tp.st/mJ3jpamB
3. https://agoda.tp.st/X3IlElWT
4. https://agoda.tp.st/JvTk87Bs
5. https://agoda.tp.st/Fts6lmft
Budget Hotels under $20
Check out my walking Tour through the An Thuong the main expat and tourist area of Da Nang:
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V I D E O S T O W A T C H N E X T :👇
Let's connect:
0:00 Intro and walk
2:52 Sofiana My The Hotel & Spa
13:46 Charming Beauty Hotel
19:33 Luk Inn
22:52 Angel Hotels Beach Da Nang
26:55 Draco Hotel & Suites
* Disclaimer: Some of these links are affiliate links where I earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.