With Fulgrims arrival we have now all 4 Daemon Primarchs available in 40k for all 4 Chaos Gods.
So how do Mortarion, Magnus the Red, Angron and Fulgrim compare to eachother and how would they fare in a hypotethical 1v1 scenario vs their brothers. Who will bring glory to their patron god and will the champion of Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh or Khorne win?
Let me know your thoughts!
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Sections in this video:
0:00 Introduction
1:21 Brief Lore of the Primarchs
6:59 Datasheets , Fulgrim focus
11:43 Primarchs Damage output
15:07 Overall per point comparison
16:57 1v1 Primarch damage
16:15 Army Rule & Utility
21:20 Summary & Final thoughts