ENG)해외여행 다녀온 후 한식에 빠져 산 일상/삼겹살김치말이찜, 치즈계란말이, 잔치국수, la갈비, 엽기오뎅, 콩나물밥, 고추장찌개, 된장찌개, 삼겹살, 닭볶음탕, 대만과자 먹방
📧Email: ys7539461@gmail.com
🧸Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yeonjo_1231/
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✔This video does not include paid advertising.
✔Foreign subtitles can be strange because they are produced using an automatic translator.
I apologize if there is a mistake in the subtitles.
⏰ Video Timeline
00:24 Yeopgi Odeng
01:33 Taiwanese snack mukbang
05:47 Braised pork belly kimchi
06:56 rolled omelet with cheese
09:00 Korean Noodles
09:47 Ribs
11:43 Bean sprout rice
11:53 red chili paste jjigae
14:21 pickled cucumber salad
16:19 grilled pork belly
17:10 Doenjang-jjigae (soybean paste stew)
18:46 Braised Spicy Chicken
19:35 Zucchini Pancake
오늘의 일기 : https://youtu.be/lsyiGCSQUvI?feature=shared