Dalal Abu Amneh
NUR | نور
A musical journey in sufi poetry
رحلة موسيقية في الشعر الصوفي
sufi poetry for our current times, Al-Bustan seeds of culture commissioned composer Kinan Abou afach to create new music, in collaboration with Dalal Abu Amneh, presenting lyrical and spiritual aspects of sufi poetry sung in Arabic. As a lantern illuminates a dimmed path, we hope NUR may serve as beacon for a hopeful future.
Kinan Abou-afach
:Al-Bustan Takht
Violin- Viola: Hanna Khoury
Cello- Oud: Kinan Abou Afach
Tar Frame Drum: Hafez Kotain
Recorded and mixed : Kinan abou-afach
Additional recording: Bishara khell
Mastering: Cody Ciowskiat - Milkboy Studio
My Tormented heart translated by: Brahim El Guabli
Here I am, I answer you translated by: Ahmad Almallah
Cover photo : Shadi Mansour
Takht photo: Chip Colson
Logo desigen: Ashley Choukeir
Video design
Merna Abo Nady
Public Relations
Merna Abo Nady
Sabren Zoabi
Anan Al-Abbasi
Co-produced by:
Dalal Abu Amneh
Al-Bustan Seeds of Culture
NUR is supported by The knight Foundation and Welliam Penn Foundation
Dalal Abu Amneh:
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