This is part 2 of my first react! Watch the first react to better understand the situation! :)
What now? Are you all fed, my dear fanatics?
Because after this video it will take me even longer to make another one, I need time and rest. As you know :l
But I hope you like it! I made it with fun, your encouragement and support. lol
Guys, I wrote the ship names wrong, I know! But it was unintentional and also because it's hard to memorize, forgive me! 😭
but still thanks for the help.
▪︎Shellvision 🐚🎤
▪︎Fossilclean 🧹💦🐚
▪︎MoonFlower 🌼🌈🌘💤
(The rest is meme)
I MADE THIS VIDEO FOR PURE FUN AND ENCOURAGEMENT. I will not make a video as an obligation!!