Ichor Operation is my take on the story of Dandy’s World, and this is a Voice Claim video to match that story. Top left shows Character Name, top right shows where the voice comes from, Red Caption is for context of the line, and White box is for custom subtitles, something changing words to match the story context more.
Key notes of the story:
Twisteds come from afflicted toons who die and/or suffer a mental shutdown after being infected by tainted ichor. Mains are already afflicted to explain why they only have 2 hearts, 1 is covered in ichor and results in them transforming on the spot.
Dandy needs the tapes and ichor capsules to satiate his affliction and find a cure, thought he’s much more concerned about his own sake than others.
The humans all left Gardenview in 2002 after the incident that occurred, bankrupting the place. Toons have been surviving on their own fine until 2009. Of which blackouts started happening. The ichor pipes that power the facility have been faulty, and the ichor itself is no longer pure due to lack of maintenance.
Shellivison is canon to the story, to give Vee a character growth arc. Astro and Dandy view each other as blood brothers platonically. Nobody knows whether or not Cosmo and Sprout are a thing or just close friends.
Dandy was afflicted the worst out of the Mains, but his mental fortitude allows him to suppress it as he fights for a cure. Creating the Ichor Operation, where a group of toons descend floors to fix machines to keep power going, and find research and tapes for Dandy. Every night, Dandy has the same nightmare and can’t get good sleep. The nightmare involves him kneeling in the lobby, with all of the toons dead around him, their ichor on his hands.
Hopefully that served as good context! Not every line references something canon to the story. But at least fits in line with what could happen. Vee gets two claims because of how much she grows into being open about her emotional side. Dandy also gets two claims to show his descent into madness from the ichor affliction eating away at his mind.
All Dandy’s World assets besides Outro art come from the game. The art was made by boyfriend.
#dandysworld #dandyworld