👒🔍 Download June’s Journey for free now using my link: https://woo.ga/uboq2for
Not only did we clean up this dangerous blind spot, we thought for sure we found a dead animal but ended up saving its life! My wife found another treasure buried deep in the brush, what do you think it could be? Appreciate the love and support, thank you for spending your day with us!
Grab a coffee, toss your legs up on the chair and enjoy this lady’s story as you get to watch us mow this yard several times. Wait until you see her response at the end, this is why we do this! She was such a sweetheart! Should we go back? You bet, and we will have a massive surprise for her!
Grab Some Merch to support our channel - https://outdoors-with-erik.myspreadshop.com/
Would you like to work with us? - info@Outdoorswitherik.com
Equipment I use
Mini Skid Steer - https://baumalight.com/miniskidsteer/en/TRL620D.php
Mini Skid Flail - https://baumalight.com/miniskidsteer/en/tools.php
Ferntree Mini Skid Flail VM110 - https://ferntree.ca/product/simatech-vml-110/
Baumalight Mulcher - https://baumalight.com/brush-mulchers/en/mp348.php
Baumalight Mulcher - https://baumalight.com/brush-mulchers/en/mp360.php
Stump Grinder - https://baumalight.com/stump-grinder/en/wb44.php