■ HIMALAYA, MANASLU: Going up alone against a massively challenging and dangerous peak whilst also seeing how locals live are my two favourite aspects of trekking the himalayan mountains of Nepal.
Today was my lucky day as I was able to experience both in one and the same day. After first walking up a steep mountain path to a village to see how locals there live, I continue on my own to scale a mountain peak that has not been conquered before.....
More new videos from the mountains of Nepal 🇳🇵
The Himalayan Gongo Brewmaster 🏔️
■ https://youtu.be/x0eCQWrmly4
Wrong Turn Manaslu 🏔️
■ https://youtu.be/NCnxszyevzs
Landslide Disaster Trek Himalaya 🏔️
■ https://youtu.be/tXHM29QRMd0
Surviving Himalaya 🏔️
■ https://youtu.be/kJEA79OdefM
Wrong Turn Himalaya 🏔️
■ https://youtu.be/mBM2tdrp0J0