We invite you to join us for Conversations With Jewish Believers In Jesus hosted by Jeff Morgan. In this episode, Jeff talks with Danna Weiss about the dangers found in the practice of new age arts and how it affected her life.
Though raised in a Jewish household, Danna Weiss connected more with New Age beliefs. For many years, Weiss worked as a proficient professional crystal healer and Kundalini yoga and meditation teacher. But after suffering from severe physical ailments and traumatic visions that her metaphysical practice couldn’t assuage, Danna questioned her beliefs. Soon after, she began to follow Yeshua and immediately began to heal. Today, she shares her experience with those in similar situations, offers support, and helps them find a new path to freedom.
For more information or to connect with Danna, visit: https://www.reformednewagersinchrist.org/
Reformed New Agers In Christ Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/694314057811305/?ref=share
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