Welcome to Tod's Workshop. In this video Tod talks about the Colletière à Charavines light hunting bow, one of a very few surviving European crossbows from this period (around 1000AD). This is a very simple bow with only a few components. It could be constructed with European woods such as ash and yew and basic hand tools by any "back woods bodger"
Plans are now available here https://todcutler.com/collections/misc-bronze-and-brass/products/colletiere-a-charvanes-crossbow-making-plans
You can skip to each section with the links below:
Roughing the stave https://youtu.be/wWiZpenRGx8?t=225
Tillering the bow https://youtu.be/wWiZpenRGx8?t=626
Making the string https://youtu.be/wWiZpenRGx8?t=865
Shaping the stock https://youtu.be/wWiZpenRGx8?t=1306
Making the trigger https://youtu.be/wWiZpenRGx8?t=1573
Assembling the bow https://youtu.be/wWiZpenRGx8?t=1944
Shooting the bow https://youtu.be/wWiZpenRGx8?t=2065
Apologies about the poor quality sound towards the end of the video
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Thanks for watching!
For custom weapons https://todsworkshop.com for custom knives, swords and crossbows