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The scary, scary shadow in the dark
Has a very bumpy, bumpy head
It’s getting closer, closer to me!
I am very, very scared!
The scary, scary shadow in the dark
Has some very sharp, sharp claws
It’s getting closer, closer to me!
I am very, very scared!
The scary, scary shadow in the dark
Has two very long, long legs
It’s getting closer, closer to me!
I am very, very scared!
“You scared me!”
The scary looking shadows in the dark
They are all my imagination
Now when I see strange shadows
I am not scared anymore!
I am not scared anymore!
#kidssongs #nurseryrhymes #cocobi
#forKids #songsforkids #cartoon
#코코비 #동요
Songs, Stories, Kids Pop, Songs for Kids,
Kids Dance, Music, Cocobi Songs, Nursery Rhymes,
Kindergarten, Preschool, Fun Videos for Children, Toddler,
Preschool, Babies, Easy english vocabulary
코코비 영어 어린이 동요
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