V.S. BunkerChapa08 Demo: https://gamebanana.com/mods/539207
My "X" (Twitter): https://twitter.com/BChapa08?s=09
My Discord Name: BunkerChapa08
My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/65DCFQbKV6
Original Song: https://youtu.be/l5EezdNNUpA?si=UKWYItqBkzT2uHOg
Composer: @Saruky
FLP: https://gamebanana.com/tools/18182
Mods Used:
BF Sprites: https://gamebanana.com/mods/456491
Dekie (@denkinFNF) Chromatic Scale and Sprites: https://gamebanana.com/mods/504353
@MaroonStarz Sprites: Private, I think
One Shot Mania: https://gamebanana.com/mods/442183
Corruption Reimagined: https://gamebanana.com/mods/357359
@Furscorns Chromatic Scale and Sprites: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VFL30DIbG21pF--AMYaCTKgEIuKNOuVM
@keshagain58fnf Chromatic Scale and Sprites: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BILbj1cMa4YOZHRD-0XJteo1wPrZKFtL
Graffiti Groovin': https://gamebanana.com/mods/409366
V.S. Hex Weekend Update: https://gamebanana.com/mods/44225
Ourple Guy: https://ourpleguy.neocities.org/
Indie Cross: https://gamejolt.com/games/indiecross/643540
Mario Madness: https://gamebanana.com/mods/359554
Doki Doki Takeover Plus: https://gamebanana.com/mods/47364
Muted Melodies Remastered (@Tacticalcupcakes): https://gamebanana.com/mods/393813
Sonic.EXE 2.5/3.0: https://gamebanana.com/mods/387978
@AGcoversX Chromatic Scale and Sprites: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dDRzPNgd2SqXLzYkL79RV_8RfnWxuDVT
@MAMONDEBESTE Chromatic Scale and Sprites: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10C_dYYi9fY42s-pNC0skJJcq5UWZNQpH
V.S. Matt: https://gamebanana.com/mods/44511
Mid Fights Masses: funny
Atrocity Mod: https://gamebanana.com/mods/366970
Charles Sprites: https://youtu.be/J2c_RPY4KiU?si=5Q_qunzuNFxCTuXK
Regular Friday Night: https://gamebanana.com/mods/411524
@TayesButOther Chromatic Scale and Sprites: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Gohr_MRr4pcAgg9H-_-Fp0o8W9fO8cuU
V.S. BunkerChapa08 Demo: ⬆️
@LagArcadeNG Chromatic Scale and Sprites: Private
ROTW Sonic by @Blantados21
Sonic Dimensional Funkin: https://gamebanana.com/mods/372648
Darnell (BF Mix) Psych Engine Port 6.3: https://youtu.be/tNzDgntat-g?si=Sf2FwAhVJGs6K71F
Senpai Atonals: https://youtu.be/jKuNKUeR8AE?si=OMZYMDyxI144ECcn
Fatal Error Atonals: https://youtu.be/pv2pdg4Sab8?si=QUDMm33GV8dV_61n
Sonic.EXE Atonals: https://youtu.be/XDcz9ekr3iI?si=ijmvOPwl9QXjgYx4
Benson Atonals From @ItsSoraval
Rest were either official or from discord and I just don't know where. (Thanks @neon_mpeg for all the atonals on discord)
Chromatic Scale/Soundfonts:
Silver the Hedgehog Chromatic: https://youtu.be/VxyOxV4WJlo?si=QHz4KqklyKo45soL
DWP Used:
@CutePhantom DWPs: https://app.mediafire.com/gpmdwh3adbemh
@GilbertArtProductionsTM DWPs: https://gamebanana.com/members/submissions/tools/2735253
Or I convert them to DWP myself.
Editor: CapCut
Engine: Psych Engine 0.6.3
Record on my phone!!
Friday Night Funkin' is a Newgrounds rhythm game made in HaxeFlixel originally created for Ludum Dare 47. Programmed by ninjamuffin99 with a soundtrack produced by Kawai Sprite and artwork created by PhantomArcade and evilsk8r, the game can be played on Newgrounds or played/downloaded for free on Itch.io.
The plot of the game centers around Boyfriend trying to hook up with Girlfriend, but her ex-rockstar father Daddy Dearest doesn't approve of him. It's up to Boyfriend to rap battle his way through him and anyone else that stands in his way so that he can finally get freaky! Think you got what it takes?
Friday Night Funkin' is an ongoing project that will continue to receive updates, bug fixes and new content. A full version of the game is currently in development, having been successfully funded via a Kickstarter campaign. Check the changelog here for information on the latest updates. The game is also open source to allow users to mod or simply look through its assets. Download the game files here.
Friday night funkin
Fnf cover
Fnf covers
Fnf betadciu
But everyone sings it
But every turn a different character is used
But every turn a different cover is used
#bunkerchapa08 #betadciu #fnfbetadciu #fnfbutdifferentcharacterssingit #fridaynightfunkin #fnfcover #fnf