Hey there, doll friends! My friend Bailey over at @americangirlfilms (https://www.youtube.com/@americangirlfilms) recently started a tag video I think a lot of you will find interesting.
If you would like to make a video, please tag Bailey and she’ll create a playlist!! Feel free to answer in the comments if you don’t have a channel! 🫶🏻
Here are the questions!
1: How did you and your partner meet?
2: How did you tell your partner about your hobby? Does your partner support your love for dolls?
3: How much does your partner know about your collection? Can they name your dolls or their characters? Etc
4: Have you ever been discouraged from collecting in the past?
5: Did you worry about dating as a doll collector?
6: What advice would you give a single/new collector?
Optional extra questions I added:
Do you have a mini-me of your partner?
Have you ever had dates that involve dolls?
Have dolls brought you closer together, driven you apart, or had no impact?
#agig #agtube #dollsanddatingtag
I'm tagging: