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Anju,...Fighting) Enough of you people enjoying my blanket, this is not acceptable to me at all, this blanket is mine, if you want such warmth then buy it and wear it..A person should spread only as many legs as he should be, he should be the blanket of victory, and I have not taken the contract to think about everyone, I have set up a daily drama for you people, why should I die in the cold, bring my blanket, return it to me.
Narr.Anju angrily takes off the velvet blanket from all of them, throws the torn blanket and goes into the room. Everyone has tears in their eyes. No one behaves like this even with their enemies while a person is sleeping, then why does Anju treat her? She is behaving so rudely with her in-laws, why is she so rude to her in-lawsShe was wreaking havoc on people, let's see.Seen...everyone is sleeping
Nar... where the entire family of Surendra Prasad is sleeping with great difficulty under one blanket inside an old mud house, when the blanket is removed from Surendra's body.
Surendra. from the cold) hhhhhh oh god
Why am I feeling so cold, who the fuck is snatching my blanket?
Narr.. As soon as the father-in-law pulls the blanket towards him to cover himself, the mother-in-law sleeping on the other side, Nirmala, murmurs.
Nirmala. Fighting,) Ha ha, take it, you yourself get covered in all the blankets, leave me lying in the cold so that I freeze to death in the cold, you only want this, so that you can get rid of me.
Surendra is angry) Oh lucky one, I fold my hands in front of you, at least don't eat my head so late in the night, already I am feeling so cold, you people have taken all the blankets.
Narr.Seeing her mother-in-law and father-in-law fighting over a blanket in the middle of the night, Sulekha wakes up and sits up in bed.
Sulekha... What happened mother-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law, why are you both fighting so late at night, what will the neighbors think if they hear?
Father-in-law..What is Sulekha's daughter-in-law saying to me? I think she is fighting with me as her mother-in-law. Firstly, I don't have a blanket to cover myself, I have to go out and work as a donkey all day in the harsh cold and I don't even get a peaceful sleep at night. Grandson of father-in-law, on top of that this woman has ruined his life.
Mother in law... Getting angry) Look sir, don't say too much, you also did not keep me as a queen, my whole life has passed, seeing poverty, now even my hair has turned white, I was there, so I spent my life with you, if it was anyone else, I would have left you. Is
Narr..., Now all the members of the house get up and sit down. This used to happen every day in Surendra Prasad's family. It is said that the house where there is more poverty, fights are also the one whose first root is poverty and lack of money. Yes, this family was also living in similar conditions, somehow the heat and rains passed, butWhenever the cold season came, it would bring problems because there was only one blanket in the family, that too a torn one. Due to the large size of the family, the blanket would fall short to some or the other, but Sulekha would take care of the entire family wisely.
Paras gets irritated and starts crying
Paras... Huhhhh grandparents, you shut up and sleep, we have to go to school tomorrow too, it was with great difficulty that I slept in this blanket.
Sulekha..ha maji, both of you sleep in my share of blanket, I will sleep in my soul.
Narr.Similarly, the poverty-stricken family was passing their time in sad circumstances. One day, while having dinner, there was a discussion about Pradeep's marriage.
Nirmala..., Oji, do you have any sense? Pradeep has turned twenty-five, age will pass, then will you think about marriage, Pandit ji has told about a noble relationship, the girl's family is better than us in living conditions, tomorrow. let's go and see the girl
Surendra..as you say, lucky