Dirty Projectors' David Longstreth stops by for the 'Nonesuch Selects' video series, in which artists visit the Nonesuch office, pick some of their favorite albums from the music library, and share a few words on their choices. Opening music: "Uninhabitable Earth, Paragraph One" from Longstreth's 'Song of Earth.'
David Longstreth's Nonesuch Selects:
0:23 David Byrne's 'Grown Backwards' https://davidbyrne.lnk.to/Grown_Backwards
1:24 Jonny Greenwood's 'Phantom Thread' https://jonnygreenwood.lnk.to/phantomthread
2:25 'Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares' https://nonesuch.lnk.to/LeMystereDesVoixBulgares
3:12 'Caetano Veloso' https://caetanoveloso.lnk.to/CaetanoVeloso
4:42 Tyondai Braxton's 'Telekinesis' https://tyondaibraxton.lnk.to/telekinesis
5:46 Scritti Politti's 'White Bread Black Beer' https://scrittipolitti.lnk.to/WhiteBreadBlackBeer
7:18 João Gilbert's 'Live in Montreux' https://joaogilberto.lnk.to/LiveInMontreux
8:26 'Burkina Faso: Rhythms of the Grasslands' https://nonesuch.lnk.to/BurkinaFasoRhythms
You can hear a playlist of music from David Longstreth's Nonesuch Selects at https://dirtyprojectors.lnk.to/NonesuchSelects
Video by Robert Edridge-Waks
Watch the complete 'Nonesuch Selects' series at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpMx6WPPoWyaqnfP6uYLwIcG-hQXMCttt
#DirtyProjectors #DavidLongstreth #NonesuchSelects #Nonesuch #NonesuchRecords