Fendt Ideal 9 vs Massy Ferguson 760:
Note : These are approximate numbers only - but will you give you an idea of capacities. **And 55bu was the Avg yield over the course of the field - not necessarily those passes exactly ** thanks for your understanding 🙂
Massy went 1/2 mile in approx 55bu durum @ approx 2mph Avg. = approx 396bu/hr. (give or take a few bushel)
Also at that speed = 7.2ac/hr
**2mph avg was stated from the operator**
Fendt went approx 1.25 mile in the same time @ approx 4.5mph in approx 55bu durum = approx 1485bu/hr (give or take a few bushels)
Also at that speed = 27ac/hr
**4.5mph avg was stated from the operator**
Again, these are approx numbers and are meant to be for fun - so keep your underwear on. 🙂