Want to have beautiful compact, healthy, free flowering lavender plants that are loaded with flowers and last longer too?
Well join David in one of our trial gardens and learn what you can do to get your lavender plants off to great start each spring.
Then take a few minutes and catch his other video (Part Two) : https://youtu.be/JS2UFJIm6yY, and discover how you can trim them AGAIN in summer to keep them bushy and get them to REPEAT so that they will flower heavily TWICE in the same year!
Then, browse through the other videos on this channel, and get the scoop on the top performing selections that are available through our network of partnering garden centers: https://overdevest.wpengine.com/retail-locator/ distributed throughout our Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern States.
Please click and SUBSCRIBE to our Channel. We add dozens of plant videos monthly - many that you won't find anywhere else.
More at: Grown By Overdevest: https://www.grownbyoverdevest.com/plant-search/
Available at: Premier locally-owned garden centers in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region, Click this locator link to find them: https://www.grownbyoverdevest.com/retail-locator/