Day in my Life as an Investment Banker in NYC | morning routine, work in office, 14 hour work day...
hi guys! I finally found some time to edit these clips - work has been so BUSY lately 🥲
The #1 question I always get is, how many hours do u work per week and what does a day to day life of an investment banker looks like. And the answer is always “it depends”. Here is a Monday in my work life in office. I rarely know what staffings/deliverables might pop up each day, so hours and workload vary drastically.
Hope you guys stay for more videos on my work life & personal exploration outside of work! Come join my journey as I navigate though the corporate world as a 23-year-old!
lmk if there are any videos you want to see next :)))
stay connected with me!
💌business: [email protected]
#investmentbanking #investmentbanker #dayinthelife #worklifebalance #corporatelife #corporategirlie #worklife #wallstreet #nyc #worklife