DAY IN THE LIFE OF A LABOR & DELIVERY TECH (PCT) 🤍 *my first night shift job* | Makiya Banks
Thank you all for tuning in into today's VIDEO! ❤️ If you have any questions for me please let me know in the comments below. New videos every week! Please go LIKE , COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE More videos will be coming soon :) Follow me on all of my social media platforms:
Twitter: makiyabankss
Tik Tok: makiyabanks
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FAQ 💖:
How old are you? - 21
What is your birthday? - September 21 (Virgo)
What do I film with? - Sony ZV-1 or iPhone XR
What do I edit with? - IMovie (MacBook Pro 2019)
sub count🦋: 4.94k subs
#laboranddelivery #dayinthelife #makiyabanks #laboranddeliverytech
#cna #pct #prenursingstudent #nightshifttech #nightshiftcna #nightshifthospital #pctexperience #cnaexperience #pca #dayinthelifeofalaboranddeliverytech #patientcaretechnightshift #makiyabanks