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Fully enjoy close animal encounters in this magnificent natural environment in Oita Prefecture.

0:46 African Safari
4:55 Umitamago
7:15 Tsukumi Dolphin Island

EXPLORE OITA JAPAN【The Official YouTube Channel for Oita Prefecture】
~ Ultimate Guide for Onsen Capital Prefecture Oita ~
We showcase Oita’s unique tourism attractions for your next trip to Japan.
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Oita Prefecutre is more than just an onsen!
In this video, Haruka Styles explores various wildlife in Oita Prefecture at the African Safari, Umitamago Aquarium and Tsukumi Dolphin Island.
The African Safari is just like visiting a real safari in Africa- a really immersive experience with lots of different animals to see. Umi Tamago is the biggest aquarium in Oita prefecture, where you can meet dolphins, fur seals and penguins! Finally, at Tsukumi Dolphin Island, not only you can watch the dolphins but actually get to swim together with them!
We want to introduce you to more than just onsens in Oita Prefecture. We hope you’ll enjoy these sites which are perfect for families, couples or even on your own!

アフリカンサファリ / African safari▶︎​
大分マリーンパレス水族館「うみたまご」 / Umitamago▶︎​
うみたま体験パーク「つくみイルカ島」 / Tsukumi Dolphin Island▶︎​
大分県観光情報公式サイト / Discover Oita▶︎​
テッパンおおいた / Teppan Oita▶︎​
Explore Oita▶︎​
오이타현 관광정보 공식사이트▶​
Tourismoita Instagram▶︎​
Tourism OITA Facebook▶︎
