This is a remix of my Dazed and Confused - The Song Remains The Same version which was originally posted in spring of 2018. I had originally posted it in two parts, but I decided to combine them into one video and remix the audio. It's a slight improvement, but a bit limited, because this was recorded when I only used two mics.
Here is the original description :
Next in the ongoing series of 1973 style drum covers....the big one!!! I was going to just play along with a boot version from 1973 but there are so many little moments where the tempos change, the fills are always slightly different etc that I decided to do TSRTS version, because I know it pretty well by memory. I used the actual film soundtrack version, not the old LP version , because it has some very nice bits that I wanted to cover, especially the moment before 'San Francisco'.
A few things that were tricky...I had to let Bonzo do the hihat count in, after the bow solo because it's almost impossible to know when to start it. Also... the ah, ah, ah breaks are close but a little flammy. There are some parts that are the epitome of tight but loose too, where there was clearly some in the moment , head nod kind of interaction, especially going out of the guitar solo back to the triplets and break before the out head. Very elastic playing going on there!
Lastly, I tried to approximate the unbelievably ferocious ending Bonzo played ...I brought the volume of the audio track down so there wouldn't be too many clashing notes. It's very close to what he played, but not note for note. Of course, he played it differently every night but that solo ranks as one of the greatest he ever played to close the song....IMO.
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