Reset and reboot with us Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders! Truly one of my favorite trips of all time. SO thankful! 🌺
Snorkeling, Playing Mermaids, Traveling, and Friendssss!
#Bahamas #dallascowboyscheerleaders #2024 #BahaMar #BlueLagoon #vlog #kleinepowell #dcc #grwm #makeup #hair #concert
Other links 💘
Instagram: @kleinepowell
TikTok: @kleinepowell
0:00 Intro/ Travel Day
1:13 Good Morning Breakfast!
1:58 Bahamas Scenes
3:14 Jet ski haggle lol
3:40 GRWM
3:54 Dinner & Night 2!
4:43 Day 3: Flamingo Yoga, Snorkeling, Junkanoo, Dancing
8:08 Blue Lagoon
9:52 Nurse Sharks!!
10:37 Last Night *sad*
11:58 Rod Stewart Concert
12:46 Recap
I miss it already. Let me know what type of content you'd like to see in the future🥰; see ya next week! 🎬