Order of Appearance
0:00 - Santa Clara Vanguard ('97) - The Aussie Toss
0:10 - Madison Scouts ('97) - Waving the Jolly Roger / Picture Day
0:25 - Blue Devils ('03) - The Shako Drop
0:35 - Madison Scouts ('04) - The Roar
0:56 - Cavaliers ('06) - Robotic Salute
1:09 - Carolina Crown ('10) - The Cone Throw
1:28 - Cavaliers ('11) - The Bat Conductor
2:04 - Phantom Regiment ('11) - The Death of Romeo
2:36 - Bluecoats ('15) - The YEET
2:50 - Phantom Regiment ('15) - Slow-Mo Baton Reveal
3:11 - Phantom Regiment ('08) - "I am Spartacus"
Did I forget a moment? Let me know and I will add it in the next one!