After one of my earlier videos in this mini-series Gordon Tate, a viewer of this channel, offered me to trial a product he has developed. 'Tate's #1' is a molybdenum plating solution which can be used to restore rusted ferrous items by neutralising the corrosion sites thus reducing the likelihood of further rusting. The plating also improves the appearance of the item.
As recommended I trialled this product on some old rusty tools and conduct a simple experiment on pre-rusted mild steel samples.
The results are favourable. I conclude the video with 6 points I have learnt about corrosion prevention from this video and the previous video, part 3.
00:00 Trialling a plating solution to improve rusted tools in the workshop
00:48 Rusted tools to be treated and their preparation for plating
02:30 Examples of heavily pitted areas to be treated
02:42 Applying first coat of Tate's#1 solution to three items
03:26 The importance of burnishing in promoting the plating process
04:24 After allowing time for the reaction to happen further burnishing
05:02 Using aluminium foils to help electrolysis
07:42 Burnishing using a wire wheel
09:12 First visual impressions of the plated items
10:30 Introduction to the second experiment on two pre-rusted mild steel items
12:18 Splitting the mild steel disc on the milling machine
12:59 Applying plating solution to one of halves and treating as per the other items
16:38 Appearance of plated have after plating four times
17:18 Applying two coats of Duck Oil to both halves
17:29 Set up for cooling halves to induce many cycles of condensation and rusting
17:45 First cooling and condensation cycle
18:00 Photos showing results after first 20 cycles
18:10 Speeding up process by removing oily film from both items
19:05 Resuming the cooling cycles
19:26 The first signs of corrosion
19:40 The plated item begins to also show signs of localised corrosion
19:54 Conclusions: 6 observations
21:37 Other workshop items I have already plated
23:02 Conclusion
For further inquiries:
Gordon Tate BSc chem tech CNNA