With the new Blood Angels boxset on the horizon for pre order I am going to show you in this video how to paint a Death Company Intercessor.
Paints required
Intense Black
Army Painter:
Purple Tone Wash
Chaos Black Primer
Administratum Grey
Eshin Grey
Rhinox Hide
Skrag Brown
Ushabti Bone
Mephiston Red
Evil Sunz Scarlet
Wild Rider Red
Reikland Fleshshade
Pallid Wych Flesh
White Scar
Screamer Pink
Pink Horror
Zandri Dust
Skeleton Horde Contrast
Lahmian Medium
Contrast Medium
Pro Acryl:
White Gold
Two Thin Coats:
Dragon's Gold
Glistening Gold
Oblivion Blackwash
Warm Grey
Chrome Model Air
#warhammer #tutorial #paintingminiatures #warhammerminiatures #40k #bloodangels #deathcompany #spacemarines #tabletop #paintingtutorial #howto #howtopaint #warhammer40k #gamesworkshop