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**Death Of The Hollywood Blockbuster**
Hollywood had a number of ups and downs in 2023, and there are a lot of factors contributing to that. Why did so many movies bomb this year? Why are theaters closing around the US? Let’s take a look in this video essay.
—Second Channel—
Movie Cynic After Dark | https://youtube.com/@moviecynicafterdark
—BSUP Live Archive Channel—
BSUP Archives | https://youtube.com/@BSUPyt
The Little Platoon | https://youtube.com/@TheLittlePlatoon
Mr. Brown Alliance | https://youtube.com/@MrBrownAlliance
Vex Electronica | https://youtube.com/@VexElectronica
Actually Andrew | https://youtube.com/@ActuallyAndrewYT
BagFace | https://youtube.com/@iambagface
DarkHour | https://youtube.com/@darkhouryt
Video editing by Lofti Pixels | https://youtube.com/@Loftipixels
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