DEBRIEF | Recent Debates with James White (Sola Scriptura, Justification)
A conversation with John DeRosa of the Classical Theism podcast:
Thanks to John DeRosa for the timecodes!
00:00:00 - Introduction to Debate Topics
00:05:20 - Jimmy’s debate attire:
00:07:20 - What were your debate goals?
00:10:00 - Jimmy’s debate preparation
00:13:40 - How did you plan for cross-ex?
00:19:12 - Why did you use slides for rebuttals?
00:24:45 - Is sola scriptura the default position?
00:27:30 - The charge of overloading
00:33:10 - Weak response gish gallop
00:38:15 - Why avoid some common apologetics arguments?
00:42:40 - White’s charge of equivocation
00:51:35 - Jimmy’s examples of Apostolic Traditions
00:58:50 - Cross-ex in the sola scriptura debate
01:04:15 - Jimmy’s approach in the 2nd debate
01:11:02 - White’s mentioning prior debates
01:12:25 - “Not Disputing about words” - Jimmy’s inconsistency?
01:15:20 - Romans 4:8 and the Blessed Man
01:19:00 - The aorist verb in Romans 4:8
01:24:50 - The Greek of 2 Cor 5:21
01:31:00 - N.T. Wright on 2 Cor 5:21
01:33:07 - Is Christ’s sacrifice once-for-all or ongoing?
01:38:35 - Cross-ex in the 2nd debate
01:47:30 - Did Jimmy’s approach obscure differences
01:54:00 - Did White agree not to bring up topics?
01:56:25 - Jimmy’s overall thoughts on the debates