Every year when mowing season starts many people end up throwing all kinds of money at their tractor or zero turn because it is mowing uneven and they aren't really sure what is causing it. Well before you go spending money on new blades, new spindles, and God knows what all else, how about saving some time and figuring out what is actually causing the problem. This will not just save you time, but will also save you a lot of money and a lot of hassle. All you need is a mower deck leveling guage. This simple tool costs around $10 and will help you figure out exactly what is causing your mower deck to not mow level. Many times there is not actually something wrong with the blades, spindles, or anything else on the mower deck. The majority of the time the reason a mower is not mowing level is because the tire pressure is not correct. This is a VERY common problem every spring that most people don't realize because the tires look like they have air in them. Or the tire was flat and the owner inflates the tire to what they think looks good and does not bother to check what they inflated it to or what any of the other tires are inflated to. Over or under inflated tires can cause the whole tractor to sit akwardly rather than how it was designed to sit to operate properly. ALWAYS check your tire pressure before making ANY adjustments to your mower deck.
These deck leveling gauges are available at:
EM Herr Farm & Home Center
14 Herrville Rd
Willow Street, PA 17584
(Shipping is AVAILABLE)
#HowTo #MowerDeck #DIY DeckLevel #EshlemaniaTV