Welcome to the first project in my 90-day decluttering challenge! In this video, I take on one of the biggest clutter zones in our house – a cupboard that has become a total dumping ground. And, as someone with ADHD, I knew the only way to force myself to finish was to empty EVERYTHING out... which, of course, led to a huge mess, instant regret, and total overwhelm.
But I pushed through, and now this cupboard is finally decluttered, organised, and looking SO much better! If you’ve ever felt stuck in clutter, struggled with motivation, or found yourself completely overwhelmed mid-project – you are NOT alone. This is real life, real mess, and a realistic approach to decluttering when you don’t know where to start.
✨ Join me on this 90-day journey as I declutter my entire house! If you love real-life, no-pressure, ADHD-friendly decluttering motivation, make sure to subscribe and hit the bell so you don’t miss the next video!
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➡️ Blog post with links to everything mentioned in the video - https://mummyoffour.com/cleaning-and-decluttering/declutter-chaotic-cupboard-with-me/
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