This video explores the reasons why babies cry and how to interpret their cries. Learn to distinguish between cries for hunger, discomfort, sleep, and more. A must-watch guide for new parents and caregivers to help you connect better with your baby.
Babies communicate through their cries, and as parents, understanding these cries can help address their needs effectively.
Did you know there are specific types of cries that signify different needs? Let’s explore them one by one.”
1: Hunger Cry - “Neh”
“When a baby is hungry, they often cry with a sound that resembles ‘Neh.’
This happens because the sucking reflex is activated, and their tongue presses against the roof of their mouth.”
2: Sleepy Cry - Owh
“Babies make a sound like Owh when they are tired. This sound is due to the yawning reflex. When you hear this, it’s time for a nap.”
3: Discomfort Cry - “Heh”
“The sound ‘Heh’ indicates discomfort, such as a wet diaper, tight clothes, or an uncomfortable position. Look for any signs of irritation and address them quickly.”
4. “Eairh” = Lower Gas Pain Cry
When the baby experiences discomfort due to trapped gas or pressure in the lower abdomen, they produce the “Eairh” sound. This cry is often accompanied by pulling their legs towards their tummy.
5. “Eh” = Burp Sound
This sound occurs when air bubbles are trapped in the upper part of the chest, and the baby uses a reflex to get the air bubble out. The “Eh” sound signals the need for burping.
6. High-Pitched Cry = Pain or Discomfort
A shrill, high-pitched cry often indicates pain or serious discomfort. If this type of cry persists, it’s important to check the baby for signs of illness or distress and seek medical attention if necessary.
“Learning to decode your baby’s cries can strengthen your bond and ensure their needs are met quickly. Remember, every baby is unique, so with time and practice, you’ll understand your little one’s cues better.”
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