Wow! This is something you don't see very often! DNF is on the nest incubating her eggs when a sub adult lands on the nest! DNF alerts loudly warning the bold SA to leave but it doesn't. It decides to stay and eat some nestovers that it finds and even swallows a bone.
DNF fiercely defended her eggs, mantling over then and even wing slapping the sub adult while she vocalized loudly. She did the right thing by protecting her eggs instead of trying to drive the SA off the nest. Eggs can get broken during skirmishes on the nest from intruders.
Seventeen minutes later, Mr North flies in to the nest and flushes the sub adult out! DNF settled down quickly after the SA was gone! Great teamwork by the Norths but that sure was a bold sub adult eating on the nest of a brooding adult bald eagle! Thank you for watching!
Video captured & edited by Lady Hawk
Courtesy of Raptor Resource Project, Decorah North Eagles Nest Cam & for their live cam! Many thanks on allowing us to watch this amazing cam!
Cam Link:
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