লোনা জলের জীবন | Saltwater Life | Part-17 | Season-2
“লোনা জলের জীবন’ এর এই পর্বে আমরা উপকূল থেকে ৩৫ কিলোমিটার দূরে ছিলাম। আমার এবারের সাগর ভ্রমণ ছিলো এক অসাধরণ সফর। জেলেদের মাছ ধরা দেখার পাশাপাশি মাছ রান্না খেয়েছি। সেই সাথে দেখেছি নতুন অনেক প্রজাতির মাছ।
During this phase of the second season of Saltwater Life, we were in the middle of the ocean, 35 kilometres from the coast. My sea voyage was an extraordinary one. This time, I saw fishermen fishing and ate fish cooked by fishermen. I also saw many new types of fish.
বঙ্গোপসাগরের অজানা মাছ রেড প্যানডোরা ও ট্রিভেলি | Deep sea fishing in Bangladesh
About me
Welcome to my travel world. I am Ehsanul Haque Shaon. I have been traveling the seas and coasts of the world. At this time, I am presenting my travel routes to you individually. Sometimes, my travel turns into an adventure travel. I capture them on my camera and show them to you. I love to share fun facts.
I love people's culture, lifestyle, and their struggles. And in this, I find the colors of life. I preserve life stories so people can enjoy and learn the truth about the subject. And people see something new in each of my videos, which is unknown to many.
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