Deep Sleep Hypnosis With Rain On Changdeokgung Palace Hanok Yard & Gentle Rain Sounds - Relax, Sleep, Focus, Healing
창덕궁 한옥 마당 폭우와 잔잔한 빗소리로 깊은 수면 최면 – 긴장 완화, 수면, 집중, 치유
Welcome to Changdeokgung Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage Site the most well-preserved palace of all the royal palaces from the Joseon Dynasty (1392 - 1910). This is where kings and their ministers discussed state affairs to effectively reign over the people, and where the royal family resided.
Changdeokgung Palace was built in 1405 by King Taejong, the third ruler of Joseon. All palaces in Seoul were burnt down during the Japanese invasion in 1592 and Changdeokgung Palace became the first palace to be rebuilt in 1610. Since then, it became the primary palace for about 270 years where 13 kings including the last monarch dealt with state affairs.
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