"Ali's attempt to escape the first wife and defend Shahrabano!"
Ali, who is tired of his first wife's behavior and does not want to lose the peace of Shahrabano and their children, decides to find a way to remove her from their lives. The first woman, who is still seeking to bring Ali back to their past life, does not stop threatening and pressuring her. But this time, Ali is more determined than ever and does not want to let Shehrbanou become a victim of these conflicts.
Shahrabano, who has stood against adversity since the beginning, now needs Ali's support more than ever. To defend her, Ali decides to force the first woman to leave the house, but it is not so easy. Not wanting to go away so easily, the first woman starts playing new games to shake Ali.
How far will Ali go in this tense conflict? Will he succeed in getting the first woman out of their lives, or will this battle bring him more challenges? This exciting story tells the story of a war between love, the past and fateful decisions!
#FamilyDrama, #AliAndShahrbano, #ExWifeTrouble, #MarriageConflict, #DivorceBattle, #ProtectingLove, #DefendingShahrbano, #AliVsExWife, #ToxicEx, #FightingForLove, #LoveVsObsession, #SaveTheFamily, #EmotionalStruggles, #WifeVsExWife, #ShahrbanoStruggles, #AliInDilemma, #ProtectingFamily, #BrokenRelationships, #ToughDecisions, #LoveAndSacrifice, #ExWifeDrama, #ToxicRelationships, #StayOrLeave, #MarriageProblems, #ManipulativeEx, #DramaUnfolds, #HoldingOnToLove, #FamilyUnderAttack, #RelationshipStruggles, #UnwantedEx, #FightingForMarriage, #DifficultChoices, #LoveAndLoyalty, #ExWifeVsNewLife, #AliFightsBack, #ExWifeOut