Can Jewish people keep the Old Testament law and their ancient traditions while following Jesus as their rabbi and Messiah? This phenomenon has been happening all over the world, and it’s called Messianic Judaism. Jacob Fronczak is joined by Stephanie Hamman and Aaron Eby, two Messianic Jews, to explore the origin, purpose, and destiny of Messianic Judaism and explain why it’s a foretaste of the kingdom of heaven.
– Episode Highlights –
What is Messianic Judaism? Steph and Aaron provide definitions of Messianic Judaism.
Why is Messianic Judaism controversial within both Christianity and Judaism?
How does distinction theology bring correction to replacement theology?
Where do we find the basis for the existence of Messianic Judaism in the Bible?
Why shouldn’t Jews who come to faith in Jesus convert to become Christians?
Messianic Judaism is the practice of Judaism combined with a faith in Jesus as the Messiah.
Messianic Judaism is not about recovering a first-century faith and practice while ignoring the development of modern Judaism.
When did Messianic Judaism begin? Who were the first Messianic Jews? Did it start with Jews for Jesus?
The emergence of Christianity out of Messianic Judaism?
What is the spectrum of what it might look like for people who practice Messianic Judaism?
How did the development of Judaism through the modern Enlightenment Era impact Messianic Judaism?
Can Jews who believe in Jesus practice Judaism and observe the Torah?
Does Messianic Judaism primarily exist as a way to missionize Jews?
Who were the Messianic Jewish luminaries from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries who shaped modern Messianic Judaism?
– Related Resources –
Messianic Jewish Luminaries
Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations
Messiah Magazine:
First Fruits of Zion:
Messiah Podcast is a production of First Fruits of Zion ( in conjunction with Messiah Magazine ( This publication is designed to provide rich substance, meaningful Jewish contexts, cultural understanding of the teaching of Jesus, and the background of modern faith from a Messianic Jewish perspective.
Messiah Podcast theme music provided with permission by Joshua Aaron Music ( “Cover the Sea” Copyright songs 2020. All rights reserved.