Завтрак за 5 минут! Вкусный, быстрый завтрак на скорую руку. Рецепт завтрака! Быстро и вкусно!
A very quick and easy recipe for home or any occasion... Super idea for an appetizer of pita bread with sausage, cheese and vegetables.
Such an appetizer is perfect for both breakfast and snacks, and most importantly, they are delicious hot and cold.
pita bread (thin) 6 circles (diameter 26 cm).
hard cheese 100-150 gr.
assorted sausage 150 - 200 gr.
tomato 1 pc. ( big).
green onion, parsley to taste.
egg 3 pcs. + 3 tbsp. l. milk.
grows. frying oil.