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00:00 Intro
01:00 Original interview on Ironclad
02:10 Fix your Testosterone with HPTRT
03:12 "Jalisco Leadership"
04:30 Is there evidence?
05:30 Being trained in the United States
06:30 Foreign Exchange program in Special Forces Q course
07:50 Have any SOF heard these rumors before?
08:40 Why this could be true
09:20 7th group caught smuggling
11:15 Money incentives
12:05 Things that make this unlikely to be true
13:15 Punishments for getting caught
15:00 My best guess
Pierre Rausini is an author and former Los Angeles kingpin. He was charged with operating a criminal enterprise under the Federal Drug Kingpin Statute and prosecuted for participating in wide-ranging drug conspiracies. Rausini's extensive history of drug trafficking in Southern California throughout the 1990s involved direct collaboration with high-level Sinaloa operatives who managed the cartel's American-based distribution network and its money laundering operation. This experience provided him with an intimate understanding of the cartel's logistics and operational strategies.
Rausini was released last year after serving twenty-six years in federal prison. His incarceration allowed him to live alongside and develop deep relationships with high-ranking members of both the Sinaloa and Jalisco New Generation cartels, including several of their drug lords. This unique position enabled him to gain profound insights into the mindset, decision-making process, and cultural dynamics of these individuals. Rausini's first-hand knowledge of how cartel leaders think and operate offers a level of insight that is simply unattainable through traditional intelligence-gathering methods. Rausini has been invited to speak before law enforcement groups as a subject-matter expert and he appears on social media, commenting on matters relating to drug trafficking, money laundering, and cartel intrigue.
In this episode we talk about the likelihood of the rumors that 4 U.S Special Operations soldiers are in charge of the Jalisco Cartel's paramilitary and whether those rumors could be true or not.